The Glory of Christmas

A Christmas Program


Length: Depending on how long the pastor speaks, the program might last from an hour and fifteen minutes to an hour and a half.

Cast requirements: The program calls for an adult choir, a handbell choir (although this might be replaced by another instrumental ensemble), from five to twenty preschoolers, from eight to twenty kindergartners, from fifteen to twenty-five or more elementary students, and at least ten teens who sing in the choir.

Content: The program combines the very best vocal music, including the "Hallelujah Chorus," with a highly informative dramatic program, starting with a lively look at the historical setting of Jesus' birth (perhaps completely unknown to many who will come to the program from outside the church), continuing with a retelling of the Christmas story itself, and finishing with a sobering anticipation of Christ's second coming.

Performance history: The program has been twice presented under the author's direction. Audience response was very favorable.

ACT 1: Preparation


Pastor gives a word of greeting, introduces someone to lead an opening song, then takes a seat in front pew.

During song, participants in Act 1 enter to take positions onstage: elementary speakers, stage center; for Miniscene 1, stage left; for Miniscene 2, stage right; for Miniscene 3, at left side of choir loft; for Miniscene 4, left front pew; for Miniscene 6, right front pew.

After the song, house lights go down.

The songleader goes wherever he is needed during the program.

Spotlight goes on elementary speakers.

Elem. speaker 1: The Bible says that "when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son." The fullness of time means that Christ came when the world was ready for the preaching of the gospel and for the founding of a church that would span all nations, tribes, and languages.

Elem. speaker 2: The years before the coming of Jesus were a time of preparation.

Elem. speaker 3: God prepared the country of Palestine to be the birthplace of His Son.

Elem. speaker 1: Palestine was the crossroads of three continents. From there the gospel was able to spread rapidly to the ends of the earth.

        *Miniscene 1*


Spotlight goes off.

Light on stage left goes on.

A teacher (an older elementary student) speaking to a class (younger students) shows the map of Palestine on a board and says a few words of lecture.

Teacher: This area colored blue is the Mediterranean Sea, a great body of water lying between Europe on the north and Africa on the south. At the far eastern shore, right here at the edge of Asia, you see the country of Palestine. What is the name of this country, class?

Class: Palestine.


Light on stage left goes off.

Spotlight goes on elementary speakers.

Elem. speaker 3: God set aside a special people, the Jews, and through chosen messengers He gave them prophecies of the coming Redeemer.

        *Miniscene 2**


Spotlight goes off.

Light on stage right goes on.

On stage right a prophet addresses in bold language a gathering of people (all played by older elementary students).

Prophet (quoting Isa. 9:6-7)

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever.


The gathering responds with "Hallelujah" and "Amen."

Light on stage right goes off.

Players in Miniscenes 1 and 4 exchange places, as do players in Miniscenes 2 and 5. All sit down.

Speakers in Miniscene 3 stand on left side of choir loft.

Spotlight goes on elementary speakers.

Elem. speaker 2: When the Redeemer came, He presented Himself as the One whom the Jews had longed to see. Most Jews rejected Him, but the few who listened became the nucleus of the new church.

Elem. speaker 3: God also prepared a language, Greek, to be the main vehicle of gospel testimony throughout the known world.

        *Miniscene 3*


Spotlight goes off.

Light on left choir loft goes on.

The assembled group (perhaps two to four men) recites John 3:16 in Greek.

Light on left choir loft goes off.

Speakers resume seats in choir loft.

Spotlight goes on elementary speakers.

Elem. speaker 1: Greek was the ideal language for expressing the great doctrinal truths of Christianity. In the time before Jesus' birth, God so directed history that Greek became the second language of all peoples from Spain to Persia. There were no language barriers to the wide circulation of the New Testament, written in Greek.

Elem. speaker 3: God brought a large part of the world's population under the control of the Roman Empire.

        *Miniscene 4*


Spotlight goes off.

The choir observers go downstairs and bring choir quietly to backstage. The choir is arranged so that they can go straight into the choir loft without crossing over each other.

On stage left are seated members of the Roman Senate dressed in togas (all played by older elementary students).

Senator 1 rises to his feet.

Lights on stage left go on.

Senator 1: My esteemed friends, as members of this august body, the Roman Senate, we must support our legions upholding the glory of Rome in faraway places. Let us raise the funds necessary to enlarge further our noble empire.


Shouts of "Hear, Hear" from seated senators.

The first sits and Senator 2 rises to speak.

Senator 2: My friend Cassius has given us good counsel. Rome is greatest when Rome stands united against her enemies.


More shouts of "Hear, Hear."

Lights on stage left go off.

All senators take seats.

        *Miniscene 5*


Spotlight goes on center aisle of sanctuary.

At the start of the next speech, kindergarten girls in ancient costume emerge from the left stageside door and walk down the aisle carrying staves and bags.

Elem. speaker 2: The Romans were marvelous builders of roads. By the first century AD, travel was easier throughout the Roman world than at any previous time in history. Christian evangelists and laymen moved easily throughout the empire.


The next speaker waits until the girls have exited at the rear of the sanctuary. They go to a room not far away and put on shepherd costumes.

Elem. speaker 3: The Romans brought peace over a wide area.


Kindergarten boys dressed as Roman soldiers emerge from the right stageside door and march in step down the center aisle of the sanctuary, the leader calling, "Hut, two, three, four."

The next speaker waits until the boys have exited at the rear.

Kindergarten boys then join the girls and put on shepherd costumes also.

Then spotlight returns to elementary speakers.

Elem. speaker 1: Progress of the gospel was not slowed by wars and civil disruptions.

Elem. speaker 2: Along with peace came prosperity.

Elem. speaker 1: People who are not on the brink of starvation can look beyond the immediate moment and consider the claims of a new religion. The great Roman peace—called the Pax Romana—began in the reign of Emperor Augustus.

        *Miniscene 6*


Spotlight stays on.

Lights on stage right go on.

Caesar, an imposing crowned figure (a large boy) stands regally on stage right with his subjects standing below him (older elementary students).

His subjects raise their arms and cry out, "Hail, Caesar!"

Elem. speaker 2: It was in the reign of this emperor that Jesus Christ was born.

Elem. speaker 3: It is obvious that the coming of Jesus was carefully planned. It was no accident or careless afterthought. The event illustrates the perfect power and wisdom that oversees every detail of human affairs.


Spotlight and stage lights go off.

All participants in the miniscenes of Act 1 leave the sanctuary quietly, except Greek speakers if they belong to the choir. All elementary students gather somewhere outside the sanctuary and quickly dress as angels.

Houselights go up.

Pastor comes to the forefront of stage center, introduces the offering, then resumes seat.

The handbell choir performs an offertory.

Someone leads a congregational song.

Onstage, the stage crew puts the set for Act 2, including manger, in place of the set for Act 1. The manger will sit on stage left.

ACT 2: First Coming


After the song, the house lights go down.

The songleader goes to his proper place.

The combined choir enters the choir loft.

Kindergarten students dressed as shepherds come through right stageside door and take seats in right front pew.

Preschoolers dressed as animals go up and sit on stage left.

Choir stands and soloist goes to mike.

Choir lights go up.

Music (adult choir with soloist): "Gloria in Excelsis"; words by Martin Luther, music by Florence Jolley, arranged by Lara Hoggard, ©1954 by Shawnee Press, Inc., Delaware Water Gap, Penn.


Soloist moves to end of row in choir loft.

Choir lights remain on (assuming speakers belong to the choir).

Teen girl speaker: On a winter’s night two thousand years ago, blackness hung over the hills near Bethlehem, a village not far from the great city of Jerusalem in the land of Palestine.

Teen girl speaker: It was night also in the hearts of men. Few people in the world, few even among God’s people, the Jews, understood how to come into a right relationship with God.

Teen girls: Most Jews believed that they could please God by keeping up good works and following their religion.

Teen boy speaker: Hardly anyone grasped that a relationship with God begins with seeing yourself

Teen boys: as a sinner who cannot please God just by trying to be good.

Teen girls: Hardly anyone knew that to live with God forever is impossible unless you find a Savior from sin.

Teen speaker: It was God Himself who provided the Savior.

All: The Savior was the man Jesus Christ.

Teen speaker: Teen speaker: But He was not just a man. He was the divine person known as God the Son.

Teen speaker: Although He had lived forever in perfect equality with God the Father, He consented to leave heaven and take on human flesh.

Teen speaker: He was conceived in a virgin named Mary, a devout girl betrothed to a carpenter named Joseph.


The choir lights go off and a spotlight shines on Mary and Joseph (older elementary boy and girl) as they walk down the center aisle from the rear door.

The next speaker begins when the pair reaches the two-thirds mark.

Teen speaker: On the night we have spoken of, this Jewish couple had come to Bethlehem to be counted in the census, but they failed to find lodgings in the local inn.

Teen speaker: So, they took refuge in a stable.


Joseph and Mary ascend stage left and look around doubtfully.

Joseph: Here is our home for tonight.

Mary: My home is wherever the Lord would have me dwell.


After a five-second pause, the spotlight goes off.

Choir sits.

Preschoolers stand and prepare to sing.

Joseph and Mary sit behind the manger.

Stage left lights go up.

Music (preschoolers): "Away in a Manger"


Stage lights go down.

Preschoolers sit.

Choir stands.

Choir lights go up.

Teen speaker: When Mary gave birth, the baby was laid not in a pretty crib, but in a rough manger.

Teen speaker: There, the Lord of the universe lay as helpless as any baby, and yet He was content.

All: Why?

Teen speaker: Because He was humble. He did not care that his parents were poor and that the larger world paid no attention to His coming.

Teen speaker: As an example for us, the greatest of all was willing to become the least of all.


Three children enter through left choir door from backstage and go to mike on left of choir loft.

Music (choir with three children): "Why Was He Born in a Stable?"; words adapted from a work of Moses, a Palikur pastor in Brazil, music by Maxcine W. Posegate, ©1983 by Harold Flammer, Inc., sold by Shawnee Press, Inc., Delaware Water Gap, Penn.


Choir lights go down.

Children who sang go backstage again.

Lights outlining a cross on the left side of the choir loft are turned on.

Speakers remain in the dark.

Teen speaker: Jesus’ entrance to this world was like a great beacon suddenly flashing on and flooding the darkness.

Teen speaker: He dispelled the darkness of ignorance by showing how men can be saved.

Teen boys: The method is simple—to repent of sin and receive Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Teen speaker: He became our Savior by dying on a cross. There He took upon Himself all the punishment for sin that we deserve.

Teen speaker: We need not go through it ourselves if we believe in Him and follow Him.


The spotlight goes on the cross.

Music (choir): "Crown Him Lord of All"; words and music by Benjamin R. Hanby, choral arrangement by Jack Schrader, ©1985 by Hope Publishing Co., Carol Stream, Ill.


The spotlight goes down.

Kindergarten students gather on stage right and sit down.

The preschoolers stand and prepare to recite.

Teen girls: Jesus said of Himself that He is the light of the world.

Teen speaker: A great light was seen on the very night when He was born.


Choir sits.

Stage left light goes up.

Preschoolers in small groups recite Scripture (Luke 2:8–14).

First group: And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over heir flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.

Second group: And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

Third group: And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,

All: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.


Stage left light goes down.

Preschoolers sit.

The elementary choir in angelic costume masses beside and behind stage right.

Stage right light goes up.

An older elementary student comes with microphone in hand through the rear door of the sanctuary. Everything is dark where he stands.

Student speaker: The glory illuminating the sky was the outward sign that the light of the world had come in the person of Jesus.


Spotlight suddenly shines on the angels.

The shepherds react as if blinded by the light.

Student leaves.

Music (elementary choir): "Ding Dong! Merrily on High"; traditional, arranged by Howard Cable, edited by Henry Leck, written for the Canadian Brass and Indianapolis Children's Choir, ©1993, 1994 Brassworks Music, Inc., distributed by Hal Leonard Corp., Milwaukee, Wis.


The spotlight goes down.

The shepherds remain motionless, as if paralyzed by the glory.

The angels file off the stage and proceed slowly down the center aisle, exiting at the rear sanctuary door. They wait in a space nearby.

The shepherds begin pretending to talk together.

Teen boys in choir rise.

Teen boys: When they had heard the angels, the shepherds hastened to see the newborn child.


Boys sit.

Left and center stage lights go up.

The shepherds get up, talk together excitedly, turn, and cross the stage to gather around the manger.

Music (kindergarten choir): "Silent Night"


All stage lights go down.

Preschoolers and kindergarten students as well as Joseph and Mary vacate and go backstage.

Stage is cleared.

Pastor comes to the forefront of stage center.

Center stage light goes up.

ACT 3: Second Coming


Pastor instructs the congregation to rise during the "Hallelujah Chorus."

Center stage light goes down.

Choir stands.

College man moves to mike at left end of choir.

Choir lights go up.

Adult speaker Jesus’ own glory was seen only once during His time on earth—when three of His disciples went with Him to a lonely place on a mountain.

Adult speaker There at night they saw Him transfigured with light as He spoke with Moses and Elijah.

Adult speaker Throughout the remainder of His life, He walked about as an ordinary man, with the look of a common laborer.

Adult speaker But some day He will show His glory near and far.

Whole choir At the end of the present age, He will come again.

Adult speaker Before Jesus’ birth, an angel announced to Mary,

College speaker (initiating recitation of Luke 1:31–33) And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name

All men JESUS.

College speaker He shall be great, and shall be called

All women the Son of the Highest:

College speaker and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be

Whole choir no end.

Lady speaker We alive today have not yet seen the fulfillment of this promise, but all around us are signs that the time of Christ’s return is drawing near.

College speaker (quoting Matthew 25:31) When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory.


Choir lights go down.

Background music from Liszt’s Paradiso begins on sound system.

Throne is revealed on overhead screen or as overhead prop.

Spotlight goes on the throne.

Speakers wait thirty seconds before resuming.

Man speaker Jesus’ throne on the earth will no doubt be awesome like the throne of God in heaven.

Man speaker A glimpse of the heavenly throne is given by John in the Book of Revelation.

College speaker (quoting Revelation 4:2-3; 5:11-12; 19:5-6) Behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne. And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald. . . . And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beasts and the elders: and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands; And a voice came out of the throne, saying,

All men Praise our God, all ye his servants, and ye that fear him, both small and great.

College speaker And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying,

Whole choir Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.


Elementary students enter from rear sanctuary door, proceed slowly down the aisle, and gather in front of choir.

College speaker returns to the choir.

Background music continues until everyone arrives in place.

Spotlight goes off and screen goes dark if throne is on screen.

All stage lights go up, but the house lights stay down.

Pastor summons the congregation to rise.

Music (choir and elementary choir): "The Hallelujah Chorus"; Handel's original choral score with piano accompaniment


The house lights go up, and stage lights go down.

Everyone is seated.

Pastor makes closing remarks.

Preschool and kindergarten children still in costume enter from the rear sanctuary door and join everyone onstage.

Music (choir as well as all other participants in the program): "O Come All Ye Faithful," from hymnal


Pastor closes in prayer.


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