Riding in a Car

A song to make a long trip more bearable for two little boys in the back seat

Guess what I saw on the road—
Two walking snakes and a hairy toad!

      Refrain (to the tune of Aiken Drum)
We're riding in a car, car, a car, car, a car, car,
We're riding in a car, car
And soon we'll reach a star.

      More stanzas
One sight as rare as gnome or pixie,
A chorus of blackbirds singing “Dixie.”

On that fence I did espy
A bluebird waving us goodbye.

The soaring hawk does figure eights
As likely food he contemplates.

The cow with languid eyes half-shut
Is thinking only of her gut.

No cuter thing in all the world,
A lamb beside his mommy curled.

The road ahead goes up and down
Like ruffles on a lady’s gown.

What s’pose you is beyond that hill?
Well, I don’t know, and never will.

All the billboards that we pass
Sell beauty aids or cheaper gas.

How far from one stop to another
Depends upon our little brother.

Now there’s the strangest of all cars!
It has a license plate from Mars.

That breakneck driver! It’s speed he craves.
How will he spend the time he saves?

To count our limbs and divide by four
Makes census-taking quite a chore.

The flowers stop beside the road,
For concrete ne'er was their abode.

Track and smokestack, wire and mire,
Such noble thoughts our towns inspire.

Why come I this tiresome way
When field and woods around me play?

Our city roads are all the same,
Both man’s doing and man’s shame.

Police came chasing after us
But flew right by and stopped a bus.

We’re heading for a big black cloud
That murmurs like an angry crowd!

The rain is coming down so hard,
My windshield’s broke and fender’s scarred.

The sun that’s peeking out again
Sees drowning grass and soggy men.

“How much farther?” did you cry?
I think we’ll get there ‘fore you die.
